


是的. 年满21岁的成年人可以购买和拥有大麻.


你可以购买,拥有和运输多达28个.5 grams of cannabis plant material (about an ounce) 和 8 grams of concentrated cannabis (oils, 食物, 外用). When in doubt about how much you can purchase 和 have, ask a budtender at a dispensary.

What do I absolutely need to know about cannabis if I am visiting California?

  • 你必须年满21岁才能拥有、购买或使用娱乐性大麻. .
  • 在大麻的作用下开车是违法的.
  • 在公共场所消费、吸烟、吃大麻或吸大麻是违法的. This includes but is not limited to parks 和 sidewalks, business 和 residential areas.
  • It is also illegal to consume cannabis in other locations where smoking is illegal, 包括酒吧, 餐厅, 向公众开放的建筑物, 就业地点, 以及距离门和通风口15英尺内的区域.
  • 尽管这在加州法律下是合法的, you cannot consume or possess cannabis on federal l和s such as national parks.
  • 你可以在私人场所吸食大麻.
  • 携带大麻穿越州界是违法的, 即使你要去另一个大麻合法的州旅行.
  • 只有国家许可的场所才能销售零售大麻产品.
  • 你可能拥有28个.5 grams of cannabis plant material (about an ounce) 和 8 grams of concentrated cannabis.

Will California honor my out-of-state (non-California) medical marijuana card?

简短的回答是,不. Surprisingly, California 做 not offer reciprocity to out-of-state cardholders. 然而, residency is not a requirement to apply for the state’s medical marijuana program, 因此, 访问卡的持有者可以在该州获得一个.

获得医用大麻卡是一个快速而有效的过程, 可以在预约当天签发. 专业技巧: you may be able to use telemedicine to obtain a California medical marijuana card in advance of your visit.


No. 假设你是21岁或以上, 你可以在休闲药房合法购买大麻产品.



It is also illegal to consume cannabis in places where smoking is illegal, 包括酒吧, 餐厅, 向公众开放的建筑物, 就业地点, 以及距离门和通风口15英尺内的区域. Finally, you cannot consume or possess cannabis on federal l和s such as national parks.

If you do get cited by law enforcement, it’s considered an infraction 和 there is a $100 fine. 在非吸烟区吸烟或吸电子烟,一所学校的1000英尺, 托儿所, 或者青少年中心,当孩子们在场时,罚款增加到250美元. Consuming in a car, boat, or plane, or carrying an open container of cannabis will cost you $250.


No (不合法). 根据联邦法律,大麻仍然是非法的. Bringing legally purchased cannabis past a security checkpoint is not allowed.


是的. According to our friends at the 运输 Security Administration (TSA), 你可以携带“电池供电的电子烟”, 喷雾器, vape笔, 气泡雾化, 和 electronic nicotine delivery systems in carry-on baggage or on your person. 然而, make sure the vape pen 做 not have cannabis in the pen if you are planning to fly.




  • 物理药房(娱乐和医疗)
  • 递送服务


Even though cannabis is legal in California, you won’t find it at Safeway or Walgreens. 你需要去有执照的药房.



A 休闲药房 要求医用大麻卡. 为了去娱乐药房买东西, you just need to show your ID to prove that you’re 21 years of age or older.


A 医疗诊所 需要医用大麻卡和18岁以上的证明. 这些天, medical cards can be obtained pretty quickly 和 easily online by contacting the dispensary directly.

What’s the difference between Recreational dispensaries 和 Medical dispensaries?

简而言之,它们非常相似. 的 main difference: Recreational Dispensaries do 不 require a medical marijuana card to purchase cannabis from the dispensary, 但是药房确实需要医疗卡. 长答,见 药房节 我们的 葡萄酒国家的大麻指南 有关娱乐和医疗药房的详细摘要.


的re are many different 类型s of products sold at dispensaries offering consumers the opportunity to eat, 烟, 喝, 摩擦, 还有电子烟大麻产品. 见“使用大麻我们的'部分' 葡萄酒国家的大麻指南 在药房提供的产品类别的详细摘要


药房最多允许销售28支.每次给每位顾客5克. Simply put, that’s a lot of weed, you should have no problem buying what you need.




Even though cannabis is legal in California, cannabis is still illegal at the federal level. Financial institutions that process payments from debit 和 credit cards are regulated by federal laws. 结果是, these financial institutions cannot h和le money involved in an activity that is classified as illegal at the Federal level. 因此,药房只能接受现金.


的 term “budtender” is a combination of the word “bud” (the flower of the cannabis plant) 和 “bartender.” A budtender is an employee who works at a dispensary 和 helps educate customers about the benefits, 影响, 以及大麻产品的整体体验.

大多数调酒师没有接受过医学培训, but they can be very helpful in customizing a customer’s cannabis experience.



是的. 看到 交付部分 我们的 葡萄酒国家的大麻指南 有关如何订购大麻产品以供交付的详细摘要.


找一家大麻快递公司,通过他们的网站在线订购. 看到 交付部分 我们的 葡萄酒国家的大麻指南 有关如何订购大麻产品以供交付的详细摘要.


现金. 快递公司不接受借记卡或信用卡.




Most cannabis orders are delivered in 1-2 hours depending on your location 和 the time of your order. 类似于送餐服务, 如果您在需求高峰期订购, 您的订单可能需要更长时间才能送到, 所以要有相应的计划.


简短的回答:这取决于酒店. We recommend checking with the hotel to confirm they permit cannabis deliveries to their hotel property.


是的. 每个快递公司都有一个特定的地理范围. 看到 交付部分 我们的 葡萄酒国家的大麻指南 获取有关交付半径的摘要.



大麻产品分为两类: 生物多样性公约THC. 生物多样性公约和THC都是从大麻植物中提取的大麻素, 但有一个主要区别:四氢大麻酚是精神活性物质,而生物多样性公约不是. 这是什么意思?? 有关详细答案,请参阅下面的附加问题.


生物多样性公约是大麻的一种 psychoactive, so you will not “feel high” when using cannabis with only 生物多样性公约. 生物多样性公约-only products are commonly used for pain management, stress relief, 和 to reduce anxiety.

仅含cbd的产品包括油、香脂和浴盐. 的 popularity of spa treatments incorporating 生物多样性公约-based oils is growing rapidly. 请参阅 水疗,经验和旅游部分 了解更多关于提供生物多样性公约治疗的水疗中心的信息.


含有四氢大麻酚的大麻具有精神活性, or a chemical substance that change a person’s mental state by affecting the way the brain 和 nervous system work. 酒精、咖啡因和尼古丁都是精神活性物质. 如果你正在考虑的大麻产品标签上包含四氢大麻酚, 它可能会让你“感觉很high”,这取决于你摄入的量.


生物多样性公约 is not psychoactive, so you will not feel high when consuming products.

四氢大麻酚具有精神活性, so you are likely to feel high when consuming products with THC (depending on the 量 you consume).


(毫克)和 类型 (生物多样性公约 和/or THC) of cannabis is clearly marked on the label of each product. For example, a specific 类型 of cannabis gummy might have 10 mg (milligrams) of THC.

为了更好地了解多少大麻适合你, we recommend asking a Budtender at a Dispensary 和 they can review the right 量 for the 类型 of experience you are looking for.


Cannabis products range in price based on the 类型 和 量 of cannabis. 另外,还有税. Cannabis products carry an additional 35 percent (on average) for state, local, 和 excise taxes.

专业技巧: Ask a Budtender whether tax is included in the label price or if it is an additional cost.



Many spas are incorporating 生物多样性公约 cannabis topical oils into some of their treatments such as massages 和 facials. 的 生物多样性公约 oils are known to help with relieving inflammation 和 pain while also helping with overall relaxation.


NO. 包括生物多样性公约大麻(生物多样性公约是 精神作用),所以你不会“感觉亢奋”.”


Cannabis tours are a unique way to learn 和 experience cannabis in different contexts. 旅游可以让人了解大麻是如何生产的, 为什么它在健康和保健领域的应用越来越多, 以及体验大麻的不同方式.

如果你有问题,我们上面没有包括,请ag体育正规 info@winecountry.com 我们会尽快回复的.